Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zine Thing # 4

So for this "Thing", I looked through the options of the RSS feeds and decided that Zine would be most applicable to my needs as I have a select few favourite websites - think DailyMail.co.uk/Buzzfeed/Wimp.com/People.com and I wanted to see how Zine would suggest alternative sites based on my constantly updating few favs.

My first impression of Zine was terrible to be honest.

It loaded in what appears to be Chinese symbols, with one "suggested" article that seems to be a photo of a dandelion with only Chinese symbols.

I then tried to find the option for English and was unsuccessful. While playing around, I opened the dictation option, and pressed the microphone. I spoke, and pressed "Done". Only thing - nothing happened. I tried variations of this several times, hitting the microphone twice, double tapping quickly, and nothing. As far as I can tell, it never captured my voice in any format.

After about 5 minutes of fiddling, I figured I was done. Apps need to be easy to navigate and function intuitively or I'm out within a couple minutes.

I deleted it and will look into another one shortly. I'll let you know what happens.

Below is an approximate image of my facial response while trying to figure out Zine.

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